Friday, February 22, 2008

Herniated Disk

So the ride was great last night. I rode the geared full squish for the first time since October and we enjoyed relative dryness, given that it had rained all day as well as it being fairly warm. The only thing wet were the many roads that we seemed to ride, especially the one at the apartment complex that we cut through to get to the Kirkwood neighborhood to get to Alligator Alley. This was devil black-top, the type that when it's wet, you can see your reflection. You can only fo one of the three on this surface, accelerate, brake, or turn. You cannot do a combination of two or more, unless you want to pay the price......

I paid as well as Jamie and Tobin. We were clipping along at a moderate pace when we came to a slight turn, I was leading, I saw a car approaching so like any sane person I cut the turn a little tighter and dabbed on the brakes to scrub some corner speed. (Anyone notice anything wrong with this? <-------I tried a combination of turning and braking. Ha well I wiped it out pretty good, but managed to keep bare skin from hitting slick asphalt. As I was sliding across the asphalt, I managed to spin around and see as I was sliding, Tobin and Jamie sliding too. We all wiped out at the same time!!!! It was kinda humorous to me so I was laughing all the way until I stopped sliding, then continued laughing as I got up. I managed not to hurt myself, at least at the time I thought I was uninjured. So we all got up and back on our bikes and started riding again when I noticed that my neck and back felt sore. I figured I just tweaked them when I busted so I did'nt think much of it, figuring it would buff out over night.....

I ended not being able to sleep because it just kept getting worse and worse. I got up early this morning not rested and figured I should get it looked at by a Doctor. I went and got it X-Rayed and come to find out I have a Herniated Disk and need to take it easy the next few days, which sucks because I really want to ride. It hurts like hell and I can barely turn my head, I think its time for more pain killers. I just want to ride.

Moral of the story: When on wet asphalt, remember to pick one, or you'll crash and herniate yourself!!!!

1 comment:

Lis Heal said...

Dude. It's time for an update on the Gainesville riding scene...or at least the Mitch scene.